Between comedy, drama and war, the movie War Machine was caught in the trap of failure

War Machine is the latest work of Brad Pitt and co-produced. It was released at Netflix last May, and its events are taken from Michael Hastings' operators.

When you open the movie page on the IMDb site you will find it under the category (Comedy / Drama / War), which is repeated with many of the films that fall under more than one classification, but the problem of our film that he could not mix these three categories, The arrangement of three short films, which caused the film very damaging; because it lacked cohesion in its construction, did not improve any of its roles, it was not funny comedy, and could not provide the dramatic reality of the issue dealt with, a failure completely as a war film has provided only a single battle in Last half hour did not participate in the hero of the film!

The Story of War Machine

The film begins in 2009 when military leader Glenn McMahon arrives in Afghanistan with his own team to manage the war in this dangerous curve.

After receiving a clear message from Washington politicians, McMahon went on to say "no additional troops are required" to deal with the forces he has there and try to get the least losses.

But the great leader was so naive as he was, and he did not see the moving sand he was walking in. Rather, he saw it as just another battle that needed additional troops to win, without taking into account the different nature of the situation.

In Afghanistan, it is not required to fight a clear enemy, but to convince the people of the country that the presence of US forces is necessary to preserve democracy, freedom and dreams of the rose, and the real crisis that the enemies in the same form and the gazes who want to appeal to him, he must be keen to distinguish between each other.

War Machine Analysis


The film's director and writer, David Michod, committed himself to the satirical comic satire in the first part of the film, presenting the character of the glamorous military commander, who is Brad Pitt. But unfortunately, both the director and the actor relied on the character's performance in presenting comedy, such as walking, Mouth, running style and others, without paying attention to the text comedy or the position itself, making this part of the film very silly.


After half the time the film began to take a dramatic turn McMahon's tour of Europe to get sympathy for his goal and more soldiers to his army, and there meet his wife and know the other side of his life, he is always absent husband who sees his wife only 30 days every year , And knows the news of his son quickly from his wife, but forget their presence in the hotel and alerted by one of his team that he did not meet her in her room yet.

Perhaps this part is the best and most realistic film in which we met the narrator, a Rolling Stone journalist who writes the story of McMahon and his band and the war in Afghanistan.

Тhe War 

The last time in the film began the war, and here begins the contradiction, we were told in the first scene that the hero of the Marguer does not let his soldiers go without him, but this time he wanted to sit behind the screens and learn the news of his soldiers who are fighting a war against insurgents and civilians can not distinguish between them .

Output and text

The film's director and writer is David Michaud, who inspired his idea from a book about the war in 
Afghanistan, and then acted on his imagination and created the character of Glenn McMahon, who made General Stanley McChrystal the basis for it.

Michaud did not succeed in any of his tour, and the film was a joke and not a comedy and lost his rhythm completely when he tried to dramatize it, and his drawing of the characters was very unsuccessful, and appeared all unilateral, without any depth.

The acting

The cast included a number of big stars, led by Brad Pitt in the lead role, but as I said uneasily, he appeared as if he were trying to imitate Babai the sea.
While on the other side Ben Kingsley appeared in only two scenes where he played the role of Afghan President Karzai, were already the most comedy of the rest of the scenes, and wished if increased slightly.

Tilde Swinton also appeared in one scene as a German politician, discussing General McMahon in a lecture on the feasibility of the war in Afghanistan, faced with the fact that he was looking for a personal victory no more, and also was an excellent addition to the film.

But the most remarkable performance was Meg's Teely Kegeni McMahon, the wife of the general. Her scenes were full of sensational feelings, and she expressed in awe of the feelings of an abandoned wife who could not express her grudges; because her husband was doing heroic work that should be proud of him.

The only flaw in the scenes presented by Meg Tilly is her presence with Brad Pitt in a single cadre, who could not respond to this high performance, although he gave him a golden opportunity to show the character of the general other deeper dimensions.

Overall the movie was not a bad experience, but certainly not the best movie to see, and can be easily wiped out from the history of Brad Pitt as if it was not going to be in his favor.

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